HERMES Project gets presented at HIPEAC 2022
The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. Areas of focus and integration include safety-critical dependencies, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and machine learning.
Budapest hosted the HiPEAC 2022 conference last week in which more than 370 professionals from various IT fields attended the event. This congress included associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, a massive poster display, and an industrial exhibition during three days of intensive work and learning.

Partners from the HERMES consortium attended this conference since it is one of the most important gatherings in the field of High-Performance Embedded Architecture. This appointment represents a golden chance for any European tech organization to show their development and findings in the last months.
Vicente Nicolau from fentISS introduced HERMES to the audience during the High Performance Secured and Safe platforms section of the 10th Mixed Critical Systems – Dependable and Secure Artificial Intelligent CPS workshop organized by Ikerlan.

During the whole session, the audience became really engaged with the vision and objective of this H2020 project and several questions arisen from the participants. The consortium as a whole is glad to have participated in this conference and to have showcased HERMES’ potential among numerous specialists who recognized the project’s tremendous value.
See you next year!