HIPEAC 2023 Conference welcomed HERMES Project in Toulouse
Last January, the HiPEAC 2023 conference took place in Toulouse, France in a 3-days event in full of professionals in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems.
The purpose of this workshop was to provide an overview of the current advancements and challenges in the fieldof High-Performance Embedded Architecture and present the prospects of the qualification of the NG-ULTRA in ceramic CGA 1760 package.
The event took place from 16th to 18th January in which parallel workshops, tutorials, special sessions, and an industry exhibition was organized in order to cover different aspects of the conference.
Partners from the HERMES consortium attended this conference as it represents a golden chance for any European tech organization to show their development and findings in the last months.

Víctor Morales, software engineer at fentISS, introduced HERMES to the audience during the High Performance Secured and Safe platforms section of the MCS: International Workshop on Mixed Critical Systems workshop organized by Ikerlan.
The audience got rapidly engaged with the ambition and objective of this H2020 project and the whole consortium is glad of having taken part of this conference and to have shown HERMES’ potential among several experts who appreciated the great value of the project.